Can we use cheatlayer to integrate cogniflow in website. As an alternative to zapier?
09-11-2022 -
Newest / Oldest
I have spoken to them, and one of my pet peeves is that anything extracted/created as a model, "lives" only on their website. Cheat Layer can obviously connect to this, and that is awesome, but time and again I have asked them to please let me just download the .json file so I can run the model elsewhere. If Cheat Layer could do this, with Cogniflow, and/or without, that would be incredible.
Activity Newest / Oldest
I have spoken to them, and one of my pet peeves is that anything extracted/created as a model, "lives" only on their website. Cheat Layer can obviously connect to this, and that is awesome, but time and again I have asked them to please let me just download the .json file so I can run the model elsewhere. If Cheat Layer could do this, with Cogniflow, and/or without, that would be incredible.